ED Diagnosis & Screening

ED Diagnosis & Screening
Should you chose to visit a doctor for an erectile dysfunction screening or diagnosis, he or she will generally ask questions about how and when the problem developed, the medications you may be taking, and any physical conditions (Trauma & ED Learn More) you may have. Your doctor will also want to discuss recent developments in physical or emotional changes (Stress & ED Learn More).
If during your ED diagnosis and tests, your doctor suspects that physical causes are involved, he or she will often request blood tests to check your level of male hormones (Hormonal Balance & ED Learn More), as well as to rule out other potential medical problems, such as diabetes (Diabetes & ED Learn More). Your doctor may suggest eliminating or replacing certain prescription drugs you’re taking one at a time to see whether any are responsible for erectile dysfunction (ED Help Learn More).
More Specialized Tests for ED Diagnosis
This ED diagnostic test can determine the adequacy of arterial blood circulation in your genital organs. Ultrasonography involves using a wand like device (transducer) held over the blood vessels that supply blood to the penis. The transducer emits sound waves which pass through body tissues and reflect back; producing an image, allowing your doctor to see if your blood flow is impaired. The test often is done before and after injection of medication to see if there’s an improvement in blood flow.
Neurologic Evaluation for ED Diagnosis
Your doctor usually assesses possible nerve damage by conducting a physical examination to test for normal touch sensation in your genital area.
Cavernosometry and Cavernosography
Cavernosometry is a test which is performed during ED diagnosis that measures penile vascular pressure. Cavernosography involves injecting a dye into your blood vessels, permitting your doctor to view any possible abnormalities in blood flow into and out of your penis.
If during your ED exam your doctor suspects nonphysical causes being the primary factor for erectile dysfunction, he or she may ask whether you obtain erections during masturbation, with a partner, or while you sleep. Most men experience many erections without remembering them during sleep. A simple test for ED, which involves wrapping a special perforated tape around your penis before going to sleep, can confirm whether you have nocturnal erections (Morning Erection Learn More). If the tape is separated in the morning, the test will indicate an erection at some time during the night. Tests of this type confirm nonphysical causes.
SHIM Test For Erectile Dysfunction Evaluation:
This questionnaire is designed to help you and your doctor identify if you may be experiencing erectile dysfunction. If you are, you may choose to discuss treatment options with your doctor.
Each question has several possible responses. Circle the number of the response that best describes your own situation. Please be sure that you select only one response for each question.