Premature Ejaculation and Erectile Dysfunction

Nov 21, 2014 0 Comments in Erectile Dysfunction, General Medical Posts by
Premature Ejaculation and Erectile Dysfunction

Premature Ejaculation and Erectile Dysfunction

ED prevention, treatment, & natural remedies

Erectile dysfunction is defined as a condition in which a man is unable to get a penetrable erection due to many reasons, including heart disease, ageing, blood pressure, drug addiction, or certain medications. Premature ejaculation, also known as rapid ejaculation, is a condition in which a man is not able to control his ejaculatory response during penetration and climaxes too soon. Now let’s come to the question whether there is a relationship between premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

Most men diagnosed with erectile dysfunction are also known to be dealing with the premature ejaculation symptoms. As a result, the two conditions are often thought to be related. Moreover, in both conditions, blood flow to the genitals is hampered, which is one of the prime causes of most men experiencing symptoms of erectile dysfunction and rapid ejaculation.

Further, often psychological conditions, such as stress and anxiety, are the underlying triggers for these conditions.

Is There a Relation?

ED & Depression

The incidence of both conditions has been found to affect men of all ages. While rapid ejaculation is a more common condition in both younger and older men, erectile dysfunction is often associated with advancing age.

In a number of cases, men diagnosed with erectile dysfunction have been found to show premature ejaculation symptoms. Similarly, in men with ED, the incidence of premature ejaculation is found to be high, while such men need constant penile stimulation for erection. In a number of cases, where the condition was left untreated, premature ejaculation was the premier cause for the development of ED.

Given these conditions, we may conclude that both ED and PE overlap and co-exist even if the triggers might be different. In cases where both conditions are present, it is recommended that you seek treatment for ED first.

Research reveals that men who were first treated for ED symptoms found relief from PE. It may be concluded that there is some relationship between premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction and that timely treatment can save you from pain, distress, and disappointment.
